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CBSE Sample Paper Class 10 Hindi B

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CBSE Sample Paper Class 10 Hindi B

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CBSE Sample Paper Class 10 Hindi B, CBSE had released a notification in July informing about the pattern of examination that will be followed for 2022 examinations. That notification says there will be 2 terms for 2021-22 session, Term 1 & Term 2.

Term 1 will be mandatorily MCQ based and the notification also suggests that Term 2 could also be MCQ-based if schools are unable to function properly till then.

Ashoka Publishing House has taken stock of the situation and has published MCQ based books for the session 2021-22. Features of this Book:

LATEST CBSE SAMPLE PAPER ISSUED IN SEPTEMEBER 2021 upto 1000 MCQs Reasoning for every answer in MCQ Self Evaluation questions at end of every chapter These features empower students to be prepared to face tough MCQ based questions CBSE might throw.

This book covers MCQ-based questions for the whole syllabus, so that even if CBSE later decides to take Term 2 on MCQ based pattern the student already has the material readily available with them. This book will be your go-to book for CBSE exams 2021 - 2022, book your copy now!

Weight 2.1 kg
Dimensions 122 × 145 × 321 cm

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